Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How Teenagers Can Make a Lot of Money Online, Steps to Start a Home Based Business by Carla Jewel Livingston

If you are a teenager, you really need to invest a lot of time starting an online business. These days, it would be a very good choice for teenagers to start their career in business by making money online. Teenagers are very fortunate to be a part of the age for internet marketers. There is mass of information for Internet marketing and resources are growing everyday. Teenagers can make so much more money than getting a part-time job, but the key is to remain on your part-time job until your online business grows your income into at least upper 5 figures, monthly. Teenagers have a lot of choices, but must plan how they are going to began their money making venture.

If anyone is wondering why there are so many young adults making a lot of money online, it is simply because as a teenager they spent their time, wisely, learning about starting a home based business or how to earn a lot of money through a cash flow system. It would be very good for teenagers to began learning how to make money online while they are young. They will be much better off than older generations who are learning late of how to become Internet marketers.

The smart thing for a teen to do, is just simply make their room an office. By setting your room as an office does not take a lot of money. All you need is a chair, table (if you do not have a desk) and your computer. That is all you need. When setting up your personal office within your room, you must make sure it is not cluttered and separate your possessions like clothes and necessities out of the way; for example, do not shuffle your private space with your office space. If you are serious about making some good money online, then you need to be very serious about organizing your room.

When teenagers go to school or to their part-time job, they should never tell their friends or even their teachers about their online business, simply because anyone can unknowingly discourage their vision. The only one who should be trusted to acknowledge a teenagers entrepreneurial venture is their parents, no one else. Sometimes, friends become jealous and teachers may unknowingly offend the students, if they are trying to prepare them for graduate high school and get a good job or attend college. Teenagers should involve their parents in whatever they choose to do. This can bond a closer relationship between entrepreneurial teens and their parents, simply because parents are believing in the future of the children. The main job of parenting a teen who wants to make money online is to support them one hundred percent and never discourage their vision, when doing so parents can also learn how to share knowledge of making some good money online. Parents can contribute time and take an offered position within their teen's home based business. Teenagers then become very secure and confident when become an entrepreneur. Teenagers will feel good while going to school and working on their part-time jobs, because they know they are doing something good not only to financially benefit themselves, but their parents. Students have an advantage to gain skills of managing their own company and marketing their own ideas, reselling a product, e-book or learning how to make money with an affiliate program.

When teenagers make a choice to start their own home based business, they must humbly ask their parents to allow them to take a percent of what they have earned on their jobs to invest in their venture. This maybe somewhat difficult depending on the relationship between the parent and child; however, it can be done and parents can learn how to realize what is going to financially assist the household. Parents instantly assist their teen's success when they comprehend what is needed when starting an online business. It never takes a lot of money, it just takes a whole lot of commitment and if a parent is not willing to negotiate financial resources to start an online business, then their teen may not only get bitter, but fail in their studies and start having trouble while struggling to work their part-time job. So, parents need to be willing to listen to their teenager and accept whatever measures need to be taken when they support their child's entrepreneurial vision. If there is no support, then teenagers loose confidence and will began to gain a pessimistic mindset, which is not good. Teenagers need to remain optimistic regarding their future and achieving their goals.

As mentioned earlier, a teen must first create their office space within their room. Make sure that particular area in your room is clear of any clutter and keep everything that is not a part of your business, neatly away from your office space.

Secondly, teenagers should make sure they control their leisure time and separate from their time learning how to grown their online business. Teenagers will not be able to enjoy making money with their online business, if they are distracted and allow their friends to steal time away what is important to them. One of the most difficult thing for teenagers who are make a decision to become entrepreneurs is to giving up hanging out with friends. When they realize hanging out with friends is not going to make them any money, then they will stop the bad habit of wasting time. Also, teenagers may have hobbies, spending time after school playing sports, going to movies, playing video games or even dating they will have to stop, but make a wise decision to be diligent when taking time to grow their online business. When they make a set time on a daily basis to grow their online business, then making money through their venture will be easy and will not be difficult to learn. Therefore, the only time outside of their online business should be spent with family, studying and doing home work, and/ or working their part-time job.

The third step is to simply set a certain amount of time searching for ideas to make a lot of money online. There are so many income or business opportunities online. All a teenager would have to do, is to just learn about starting an home based business. When searching for information, go to Google or Yahoo search engine and put in key phrases, like: 'what is a home based business'. Read all you can about what a home based business is and what are the necessary steps of starting one. Take your time and do not rush, because when it comes to making money online, learning how to do it is very important. Realize, free information regarding making money online is priceless and will always be available on their internet. Also, the key phrase: 'how to make money online' or 'making money online at a low cost' will also give teens good information.

When a teenagers decides on how they are going to make some money online, the fourth step they should take is to simply learn how to start a website. So, they simply do research through Google or Yahoo on that exact key phrase or any similar keywords. Starting a website is an easy task and very cheap. Before investing in a website, choose a domain name that is similar to what you decide to sell on your website. For example, if a teen is selling a book on 'How Teenagers Can Become Successful', they would choose a similar domain name like 'successfulteens' or 'teenagebusinessowners'. So, a teenage internet marketer would just take some time jotting down ideas for some good domain names and choose the best one. Fortunately, there are web hosting services that will include a free domain when purchasing a web hosting package. There are also web hosting services like Go Daddy that offer cheap domains when choosing a good deal on any web hosting packages. All teenage internet marketers must always remember, never spend too much money on a domain name or your web hosting service. There are some good deals out there and be cautious when investing in your business, because there are many web hosting companies who are just out there to make money instead of offering good packages for online business owners. A lot of times, it would be smart to just shop for a good web hosting service first, because that is where your domain will come with your package or as said before, your cost will be cheap. When you purchase a web hosting package, choose the first option, which is usually the Economy Plan, which usually provides enough usage space for your website.

One important thing to remember, if a teen choose a business that includes a website, then all they would have to think about is choosing a domain and directing it to their website, which saves money. One can still make a lot of money when choosing a lucrative flow system or a home based business that includes a website.

The fifth step is to sign up with a PayPal account. Parents should always assist their teens in the process, because of signing up with PayPal account, because it maybe necessary to get permission from a guardian and a bank account is needed when including PayPal as a payment option. A lot of teens do not have merchant account and need to learn how to choose a wealth opportunity that is going to easily assist them in receiving their profits. When customers pay for their services or products, the process of payments should be easy. When preparing your website to receive orders, you should also make sure their information is secure, which should be included in any web hosting service.

The sixth step is for parents to take their teens to any local bank and assist them to get a savings and checking account. This is not only good to learn about saving and investing money, but also this is very much need when it come to owning their own business. A business account is not necessarily needed when signing up with PayPal, only a savings and/or checking account is needed for the administration of PayPal. This is necessary for transferring funds.

The seventh step is for teenagers to do research on how to market their online business. There is so many marketing tools available, some are free, some cost very little money and some may cost a lot of money. Choose the ones that work very good and are free and are low cost and while doing so, you will attract a lot of customers or prospects to your website. When you choose the free option, you will place free classified ads, do video, article or forum marketing, create a blog or submit press releases. The free option of marketing your online business maybe time consuming, but you will definitely get a lot of traffic to your website. The only thing you pay for when create a blog is your domain, then all you do is direct it to your website. The low cost option would be for you to invest in email marketing or just simply pay for traffic (which is not always low cost).

In conclusion, this is the basics for any teenager making money online and the simple steps that will help them get started with their very own home based business. Teenagers can finally learn how to not only make money, but will acknowledge they can become very successful business owners and will not have worry about how they are going to earn a good income, later on in life. It is a good opportunity also for parents to learn how to make money online while helping their teenagers reach their goal of success.

Carla Jewel Livingston is an inspiring writer who encourages people to own their own business, regardless of their educational background and personal situation. Carla is a successful entrepreneur and business expert to many people of all cultures and backgrounds. She can be reached through her website at: http://www.thepeoplesprogramdelivers.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carla_Jewel_Livingston

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